Country Listing

Dominican Republic Table of Contents

Dominican Republic


Roads: Most common means of travel; in 1989 road network approximately 17,000 kilometers, 70 percent of it paved.

Ports: As result of improvements to facilities during 1980s, Haina replaced Santo Domingo and Boca Chica as country's leading port. Other major shipping ports included Cabo Rojo and Barahona. Cruise ships stopped either at Santo Domingo or Puerto Plata.

Railroads: Rail system existed mainly to transport sugarcane. Its 1,725 kilometers of rail made it one of longest in Caribbean.

Airports: Four international airports. Major facilities Las Américas, near capital, and La Unión, near Puerto Plata. Smaller airports at La Romana and Santiago.

Telecommunications: Country boasted most technologically advanced telecommunications industry in Latin America and Caribbean, offering wide range of services to consumers. Service concentrated in urban areas, however.

Data as of December 1989