Bibliography -- Nicaragua

Chapter 1

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------. "Nicaragua: A Glimmer of Hope?" Current History,
     89, No. 543, January 1990, 21-24, 35-37.

Miranda, Roger, and William Ratliff. The Civil War in
     Nicaragua: Inside the Sandinistas. New Brunswick, New
     Jersey: Transaction, 1992.

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     University Press, 1987.

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     Perspectives, 12, No. 2, Spring 1985, 83-110.

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     York: Grove Press, 1986.

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     Its Effect on Economic Development and Living Conditions, and
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     York: December 2, 1988.

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     New York: Praeger, 1985.

------. (ed.). Revolution and Counterrevolution in
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     Divided. (2d ed.) New York: Oxford University Press,

Wyden, Peter. Bay of Pigs: The Untold Story. New York:
     Simon and Schuster, 1979.

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this chapter: Barricada [Managua], 1990-92; Central
America Report [Guatemala], 1989-92; El Nuevo Diario
[Managua], 1990-92; Latin America Political Report
[London], 1989-92; and La Prensa [Managua], 1990-92.)

Chapter 2

Arnove, Robert R. Education and Revolution in Nicaragua.
     New York: Praeger, 1986.

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     Nicaragua. Managua: Escuela de Sociología, Universidad
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     Walker (ed.), Nicaragua: The First Five Years. New
     York: Praeger, 1985.

Barry, Tom. Central America Inside Out: The Essential Guide to
     Its Societies, Politics, and Economics. New York: Grove
     Weidenfeld, 1991.

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     Walker (ed.), Revolution and Counterrevolution in
     Nicaragua. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991.

Biondi-Morra, Brizio N. Revolución y política alimentaria: un
     análisis crítico de Nicaragua. Mexico, D.F.: Siglo
     Ventiuno Editores, 1990.

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     Pages 346-64 in Thomas W. Walker (ed.), Nicaragua: The
     First Five Years. New York: Praeger, 1985.

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     Nicaragua." Pages 135-40 in Neil Snarr (ed.), Sandinista
     Nicaragua: An Annotated Bibliography with Analytical
     Introductions. Ann Arbor: Pierian Press, 1989.

Bradstock, Andrew. Saints and Sandinistas: The Catholic Church
     in Nicaragua and Its Response to the Revolution. London:
     Epworth Press, 1987.

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     1991, 10.

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     since 1920. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

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     New York: Pinter, 1988.

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     semillero de una nueva democracia." Pages 159-95 in Ellen L.
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     Centroamericana, 1989.

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     80-96 in Thomas W. Walker (ed.), Reagan Versus the
     Sandinistas: The Undeclared War on Nicaragua. Boulder,
     Colorado: Westview Press, 1987.

Dodson, Michael, and Laura Nuzzi O'Shaughnessy. Nicaragua's 
     Other Revolution: Religious Faith and Political Struggle.
     Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1990.

Donahue, John M. The Nicaraguan Revolution in Health: From
     Somoza to the Sandinistas. South Hadley, Massachusetts:
     Bergin and Garvey, 1986.

Dozier, Craig L. Nicaragua's Mosquito Shore: The Years of
     British and American Presence. Tuscaloosa, Alabama:
     University of Alabama Press, 1985.

Enrique, Laura J. Harvesting Change: Labor and Agrarian Reform
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     28, No. 7, 1989, 669-76.

Garfield, Richard, and Glen Williams. Health and Revolution:
     The Nicaraguan Experience. New York: Oxford University
     Press, 1992.

Gilbert, Dennis L. Sandinistas: The Party and the
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Gilbert, Dennis L. and Braulio Muñoz. "Sociology." Pages 711-20 in
     Paula Covington (ed.), Latin America: A Critical Guide to
     Research Sources. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.

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     New Mexico: Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center, 1990.

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     the Revolution in Nicaragua. Athens: Ohio University,
     Center for International Studies, Latin American Studies
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     "Convención sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de
     discriminación contra la mujer: caso de Nicaragua".
     Managua: Ministerio de la Presidencia, Oficina de la Mujer,

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     of the Nicaragua Experience," American Journal of Public
     Health, 81, No. 1, January 1991, 30-38.

Snarr, Neil (ed.). Sandinista Nicaragua: An Annotated
     Bibliography with Analytical Introductions. Ann Arbor:
     Pierian Press, 1989.

Spalding, Rose J., (ed.). The Political Economy of
     Revolutionary Nicaragua. Boston: Allen and Unwin, 1987.

Stoll, David. Is Latin America Turning Protestant? The Politics
     of Evangelical Growth. Berkeley: University of California
     Press, 1990.

The Statesman's Yearbook, 1990-1991. (Ed., John Paxton.)
     New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

Stephens, Beth. "Women in Nicaragua," Monthly Review, 40,
     No. 4, September 1988, 1-18.

Strachan, Harry W. Family and Other Business Groups in Economic
     Development: The Case of Nicaragua. New York: Praeger,

United Nations. Centro Latinamericano Demografía. Boletín
     Demográfico. Santiago, Chile: January 1990.

------. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
     Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean,
     1989. Santiago, Chile: 1989.

------. Statistical Office. Statistical Yearbook, 1991.
     New York: 1991.

United States. Agency for International Development. Country
     Development Strategy, Nicaragua, 1991-1996. Washington:

------. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
     1991. Washington: GPO, 1991.

Vilas, Carlos Maria. The Sandinista Revolution: National
     Liberation and Social Transformations in Central America.
     New York: Monthly Review Press, 1986.

------. State, Class, and Ethnicity in Nicargua: Capitalist
     Modernization and Revolutionary Change on the Atlantic
     Coast. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1989.

Walker, Thomas W. Nicaragua: The Land of Sandino. (3d ed.)
     Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991.

Walker, Thomas W. (ed.). Nicaragua: The First Five Years.
     New York: Praeger, 1985.

------. Reagan Versus The Sandinistas: The Undeclared War on
     Nicaragua. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1987.

------. Revolution and Counterrevolution in Nicaragua.
     Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991.

Webster's New Geographical Dictionary. Springfield,
     Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster, 1988.

West, Robert, and John P. Augelli. Middle America: Its Lands
     and Peoples. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,

Williams, Harvey. "The Social Programs." Pages 87-93 in Thomas W.
     Walker (ed.), Revolution and Counterrevolution in
     Nicaragua. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991.

The World Bank. World Development Report, 1990. New York:
     Oxford University Press, 1990.

------. World Development Report: The Challenge of
     Development. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Business Latin America,
1992; Business Outlook, 1991; Central America
Report [London], 1991; Christian Science Monitor,
1990; Envío [Managua], 1990-93; Latin America
Monitor [London]; Latin American Newsletter [London],
1993; Natural History; New York Times; This
Week in Central America.)

Chapter 3

The Americas Review/World of Information, 1991-92. Saffron
     Walden, Essex, United Kingdom: World of Information, 1992.

Annis, Sheldon (ed.). Poverty, Natural Resources, and Public
     Policy in Central America. New Brunswick, New Jersey:
     Transaction, 1992.

Baez, William. Nicaragua: The Informal Sector in
     Transition. Washington: Pan American Development
     Foundation, 1985.

Biondi-Morra, Brizio N. Hungry Dreams: The Failure of Food
     Policy in Revolutionary Nicaragua, 1979-90. Ithaca, New
     York: Cornell University Press, 1993.

"Bottom Line: Tough Choices for Violeta." This Week in Central
     America [Guatemala City], 17, No. 43, November 5, 1990,

Colburn, Forrest D. Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua: State, Class,
     and the Dilemmas of Agrarian Policy. Berkeley: University
     of California Press, 1986.

Conroy, Michael. Nicaragua: Profiles of the Revolutionary
     Public Sector. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1987.

Crosby, Benjamin. "Central America." Pages 103-38 in Anthony Lake
     (ed.), After the Wars: Reconstruction in Afghanistan,
     Indochina, Central America, Southern Africa, and the Horn of
     Africa. (United States-Third World Policy Perspectives
     Series, No. 16.) New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction, 1990.

Economic Intelligence Unit. Country Profile: Nicaragua, Costa
     Rica, Panama, 1991-92. London: 1992.

The Europa World Year Book, 1990. London: Europa, 1990.

Gibson, Bill, "The Inflation-Devaluation-Inflation Hypothesis in
     Nicaragua." Journal of Development Studies, 27, No.
     2, January 1991, 241-42.

Inter-American Development Bank. Economic and Social Progress
     in Latin America: Annual Report. Washington: 1991.

International Monetary Fund, Office of Press Relations. "IMF Press
     Release No. 91/49." Washington: September 19, 1991.

Jenkins, Tony. The United States Embargo Against Nicaragua--One
     Year Later. Washington: Overseas Development Council, May

Lake, Anthony (ed.). After the Wars: Reconstruction in
     Afghanistan, Indochina, Central America, Southern Africa, and
     the Horn of Africa. (United States-Third World Policy
     Perspectives Series, No. 16.) New Brunswick, New Jersey:
     Transaction, 1990.

Leiken, Robert S., and Barry Rubin (eds.). The Central American
     Crisis Reader. New York: Summit Books, 1987.

Leonard, H. Jeffrey. Environment and the Poor: Development
     Strategies for a Common Agenda. (United States-Third
     World Policy Perspectives Series, No. 11.) New Brunswick, New
     Jersey: Transaction, 1989.

McCargar, James. "El Salvador and Nicaragua: The AFL-CIO Views on
     the Controversy." (Policy paper.) Washington: AFL-CIO,
     Department of International Affairs, 1985.

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     Nicaragua: 10 años en cifras. Managua: 1989.

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     No. 3, March 1991, 1-4.

"Nicaragua Starts on the Long Road Back to the Future," World
     Bank News, October 3, 1991, 2-3.

Nietschmann, Bernard. "The Ecology of War and Peace," Natural
     History, 99, November 1990, 34-42, 44-48.

Norsworthy, Kent, and Tom Barry. Nicaragua: A Country
     Guide. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Inter-Hemispheric
     Education Resource Center, 1990.

Parry, Robert, and Peter Kornbluh. "Iran-Contra's Untold Story,"
     Foreign Policy, 72, Fall 1988, 3-30.

Pelupessy, Wim (ed.). Perspectives on the Agro-Export Economy
     in Central America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh
     Press, 1991.

Ramírez, Sergio. "Election Night in Nicaragua," Granta,
     36, Summer, 1991, 109-30.

Somoza Debayle, Anastasio, as told to Jack Cox. Nicaragua
     Betrayed. Boston: Western Islands, 1980.

United States. Agency for International Development. Latin
     America and the Caribbean: Selected Economic Data.
     Waashington: 1992.

------. Embassy in Managua. 1990 Foreign Economic Trends.
     Washington: GPO, 1990.

Walker, Thomas W. (ed.) Reagan Versus the Sandinistas: The
     Undeclared War on Nicaragua. Boulder, Colorado: Westview
     Press, 1987.

Williams, Harvey. "The Social Impact in Nicaragua." Pages 247-64 in
     Thomas W. Walker (ed.), Reagan Versus the Sandinistas: The
     Undeclared War on Nicaragua. Boulder, Colorado: Westview
     Press, 1987.

World Refugee Survey, 1991. New York: United States
     Committee for Refugees, 1991.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Business Latin America,
1992; Business Outlook, 1991; Central America
Report [London], 1991; Christian Science Monitor,
1990; Country Report: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama
[London], 1991-92; Country Report: Nicaragua, Honduras
[London], 1993-94; Envío [Managua], 1990-93; Latin
America Monitor [London]; Latin American Newsletter
[London], 1993; Natural History; New York Times;
This Week in Central America.) 

Chapter 4

Banks, Arthur S., (ed.), Political Handbook of the World,
     1993. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.

Barry, Tom. Central America Inside Out: The Essential Guide to
     Its Societies, Politics, and Economies. New York: Grove
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     Tottering Government," Washington Times, September 7,
     1990, A5.

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     and Littlefield, 1992.

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     1991, A3.

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     Times, August 2, 1991, A3.

------. "Nicaragua Holds Suspect in Killing of Contra Chief,"
     New York Times, March 6, 1991, A3.

------. "Panicky Need for Farm Land Leads Nicaraguan Peasants into
     Fatal Clash," New York Times, March 6, 1991, A3.

------. "Victors' Lament: To the Losers Belong the Spoils," New
     York Times, June 8, 1991, A2.

Cisneros, Julio, and José Luis Abalos, (eds.). Legislación
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     Valenciana, 1991.
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     Times, June 19, 1991, 3.

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     Castro and Gary Prevost (eds.), The 1990 Elections in
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     and Littlefield, 1992.

Robinson, Linda. "Nicaragua's $1 Billion Battle," U.S. News and
     World Report, III, July 29, 1991, 35-6.

Scott, David Clark. "Nicaraguan Government Seeks to Pacify Rearming
     Contras," Christian Science Monitor, August 14, 1991,

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     1990, Elections: The Transition and President Chamorro's First
     100 Days." (Library of Congress, Congressional Research
     Service, Report 90-423 F.) Washington: September 5, 1990.

------. "Nicaragua's `Civic' Opposition: Players, Problems and
     Prospects." (Library of Congress, Congressional Research
     Service, Report 87-735 F.) Washington: August 5, 1987.

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     Opposition and Accommodation, 1979-93. Chapel Hill:
     University of North Carolina Press, 1994.

Sullivan, Mark P. "Central America and U.S. Foreign
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     Congressional Research Service, Major Issues System, IB84075.)
     Washington: December 7, 1992.

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     Retirements," Miami Herald, June 26, 1991, A10.

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     Herald, August 21, 1991, A8.

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------. "Nicaragua's Permanent Crisis: Ruling from Above and
     Below," Survival, 33, September-October 1991, 401-23.

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     New York Times, June 25, 1991, A1, A2.

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------. Department of State. Dispatch. Nicaraguan President's
     Visit. Washington: GPO, April 29, 1991.

Walker, Thomas W. Nicaragua: The Land of Sandino. (3d ed.)
     Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Barricada [Managua];
Christian Science Monitor; Current History;
El Nuevo Diario [Managua]; Envío [Managua];
Financial Times; Foreign Broadcast Information Service,
Daily Report: Latin America; Journal of
Inter-American Studies and World Affairs; Journal of
Latin American Studies; La Prensa [Managua];
Latin American Regional Reports. Mexico and Central
America [London]; Miami Herald; New York
Times; Wall Street Journal; Washington
Times; and Washington Post.)

Chapter 5

Americas Watch. Fitful Peace: Human Rights and Reconciliation
     under the Chamorro Government. New York: 1991.

------. Human Rights in Nicaragua: August 1987-August
     1988. New York: 1988.

Booth, John A. The End and the Beginning: The Nicaraguan
     Revolution. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1985.

Brás, Marisabel. "The Transformation of the Nicaraguan Army,"
     How They Fight: Armies of the World. Washington:
     Department of Defense, Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis
     Center, July 1993, 47-56.

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     Jane's, 1984.

The Europa World Year Book, 1993, 2. London: Europa, 1993.

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     91-118 in Thomas W. Walker (ed.) Nicaragua: The First Five
     Years. New York: Praeger, 1985.

Gutman, Roy. Banana Diplomacy: The Making of American Policy in
     Nicaragua, 1981-87. New York: Simon and Shuster, 1988.

Jane's Fighting Ships, 1993-94. (Ed., Richard Sharp.)
     Alexandria, Virginia: Jane's, 1993.

Keegan, John (ed.). World Armies. Detroit: Gale Research,

Kornbluh, Peter. "The Covert War." Pages 21-38 in Thomas W. Walker
     (ed.), Reagan Versus the Sandinistas: The Underclared War
     on Nicaragua. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1987.

McCoy, Jennifer L. "Nicaragua in Transition," Current
     History, 90, No. 554, March 1991, 117-20.

The Military Balance, 1993-94. London: Institute for
     Strategic Studies, 1993.

Montes, Julio. "Nicaragua in Crisis," Jane's Intelligence
     Review [London], 6, No. 1, January 1994, 45-7.

Norsworthy, Ken, and Tom Barry. Nicaragua: A Country
     Guide. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Inter-Hemispheric
     Education Resource Center, 1990.

Political Handbook of the World, 1993. New York: McGraw
     Hill, 1993.

Rosset, Peter, and John Vandermeer (eds.). Nicaragua:
     Unfinished Revolution: The New Nicaragua Reader. New
     York: Grove Press, 1986.

United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. World
     Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1990.
     Washington: GPO, 1991.

United States. Congress. 102th, 2d Session. Senate. Committee on
     Foreign Relations. Nicaragua Today: A Republican Staff
     Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States
     Senate. Washington: GPO, 1992.

------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
     Practices for 1990. (Report submitted to United States
     Congress, 102d, 1st Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations and the House of Representatives, Committee on
     Foreign Affairs.) Washington: GPO, 1991.

------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
     Practices for 1991. (Report submitted to United States
     Congress, 102d, 2d Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations and the House of Representatives, Committee on
     Foreign Affairs.) Washington: GPO, 1992.

------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
     Practices for 1992 (Reported submitted to United States
     Congress, 103rd, 1st Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations and the House of Representatives, Committee on
     Foreign Affairs.) Washington: GPO, 1993.

------. Department of State. Background Notes: Nicaragua.
     Washington: GPO, 1993.

------. Human Rights in Nicaragua under the Sandinistas: From
     Revolution to Repression. Washington: GPO, 1986.

------. Inside the Sandinista Regime: A Special Investigator's
     Perspective. Washington: GPO, 1986.

------. Nicaragua's Interior Ministry: Instrument of Political
     Consolidation. Washington: GPO, 1987.

Vanderlaan, Mary B. Revolution and Foreign Policy in
     Nicaragua. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986.

Walker, Thomas W. Nicaragua: The Land of Sandino. (3d ed.)
     Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991.

Walker, Thomas W. (ed.). Nicaragua: The First Five Years.
     New York: Praeger, 1985.

------. Regan Versus the Sandinistas: The Undeclared War on
     Nicaragua. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1987.

    (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Country Report: Nicaragua,
Honduras [London]; The Economist [London]; Facts
on File; Jane's Intelligence Review [London];
Latin American Monitor: Central America [London];
Latin American Regional Reports: Caribbean and Central American 
Report [London]; New York Times; and Washington
Appendix B

Bulmer-Thomas, Victor. The Political Economy of Central America
     since 1920, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

------. Studies in the Economics of Central America. New
     York: St. Martin's Press, 1988.

Cline, William R., and Enrique Delgado (eds.). Economic
     Integration in Central America. Washington: Brookings
     Institution, 1978.

Edwards, Sebastian. "Latin American Economic Integration: A New
     Perspective on an Old Dream," The World Economy, 16,
     No. 3, May 1993, 317-37.

Salazar, José Manuel. "Present and Future Integration in Central
     America," Cepal Review, No. 42, December 1990, 157-

Secretaría Permanente del Tratado General de Integración Económica
     Centroamericana. Cuadernos de la SIECA, No. 17: 25 años de
     integración (en cifras). Guatemala City: 1986.

------. Series Estadísticas Seleccionadas de
     Centroamérica. Guatemala City, No. 24, May 1991.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this appendix: Estadísticas analíticas
del comercio Intracentroamericano [Guatemala City]; Economist
Intelligence Unit, Country Report: Guatemala, El Salvador
[London]; Country Report: Nicaragua, Honduras, [London];
Country Report: Panama, Costa Rica [London]; Latin
American Monitor: Central America [London]; Latin American
Weekly Report [London]; Panorama Centroamericano
[Guatemala City]; and Revista de la integración y el desarollo
de Centroamérica [Tegucigalpa].)